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$1.00 per month
or $0.20 for subs
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Lowest tier that you want to support with some money, but can't spare much. Just know a dollar does make a difference. So you still get the fun things.
- Discord Role
- 10% Merch discount
- First Draft Chapter Access
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$2.00 per month
or $0.40 for subs
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For the cost of just 2 dollars, you give me a little bit of support each month!
- Discord Role
- 10% Merch discount
- First Draft Chapter Access
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$3.00 per month
or $0.60 for subs
Twitch subs receive this promotional price as long as they're subscribed on Twitch
For the cost of a small coffee, you give me a little bit of support each month!
- Discord Role
- 10% Merch discount
- First Draft Chapter Access
0 members
$5.00 per month
- Discord Role
- 10% Merch discount
- First Draft Chapter Access
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